8 research outputs found

    Exploiting loop transformations for the protection of software

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    Il software conserva la maggior parte del know-how che occorre per svilupparlo. Poich\ue9 oggigiorno il software pu\uf2 essere facilmente duplicato e ridistribuito ovunque, il rischio che la propriet\ue0 intellettuale venga violata su scala globale \ue8 elevato. Una delle pi\uf9 interessanti soluzioni a questo problema \ue8 dotare il software di un watermark. Ai watermark si richiede non solo di certificare in modo univoco il proprietario del software, ma anche di essere resistenti e pervasivi. In questa tesi riformuliamo i concetti di robustezza e pervasivit\ue0 a partire dalla semantica delle tracce. Evidenziamo i cicli quali costrutti di programmazione pervasivi e introduciamo le trasformazioni di ciclo come mattone di costruzione per schemi di watermarking pervasivo. Passiamo in rassegna alcune fra tali trasformazioni, studiando i loro principi di base. Infine, sfruttiamo tali principi per costruire una tecnica di watermarking pervasivo. La robustezza rimane una difficile, quanto affascinante, questione ancora da risolvere.Software retains most of the know-how required fot its development. Because nowadays software can be easily cloned and spread worldwide, the risk of intellectual property infringement on a global scale is high. One of the most viable solutions to this problem is to endow software with a watermark. Good watermarks are required not only to state unambiguously the owner of software, but also to be resilient and pervasive. In this thesis we base resiliency and pervasiveness on trace semantics. We point out loops as pervasive programming constructs and we introduce loop transformations as the basic block of pervasive watermarking schemes. We survey several loop transformations, outlining their underlying principles. Then we exploit these principles to build some pervasive watermarking techniques. Resiliency still remains a big and challenging open issue

    Hiding Software Watermarks in Loop Structures

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    Abstract. In this paper we propose a software watermarking technique based on the fact that different semantic instances might be abstracted in the same syntactic object. Our idea is to hide the watermark in a particular semantic instance and to distribute the corresponding syntactic construct. The extraction process uses a secret key in order to recover the information loss and reconstruct the watermark. In particular, we focus on loops and we base the embedding and extraction algorithm on the semantic understanding of loop-unrolling.

    Management of mixed cryoglobulinemia with rituximab: evidence and consensus-based recommendations from the Italian Study Group of Cryoglobulinemia (GISC)

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    Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis (CV) or mixed cryoglobulinemic syndrome (MCS) is a systemic small-vessel vasculitis characterized by the proliferation of B-cell clones producing pathogenic immune complexes, called cryoglobulins. It is often secondary to hepatitis C virus (HCV), autoimmune diseases, and hematological malignancies. CV usually has a mild benign clinical course, but severe organ damage and life-threatening manifestations can occur. Recently, evidence in favor of rituximab (RTX), an anti-CD 20 monoclonal antibody, is emerging in CV: nevertheless, questions upon the safety of this therapeutic approach, especially in HCV patients, are still being issued and universally accepted recommendations that can help physicians in MCS treatment are lacking. A Consensus Committee provided a prioritized list of research questions to perform a systematic literature review (SLR). A search was made in Medline, Embase, and Cochrane library, updated to August 2021. Of 1227 article abstracts evaluated, 27 studies were included in the SLR, of which one SLR, 4 RCTs, and 22 observational studies. Seventeen recommendations for the management of mixed cryoglobulinemia with rituximab from the Italian Study Group of Cryoglobulinemia (GISC) were developed to give a valuable tool to the physician approaching RTX treatment in CV

    La Terra delle meraviglie. Teatro e musica tra Ville e Delizie

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    Il lettore-spettatore percorrerà un viaggio affascinante dove potrà scorgere – tra Ville e Delizie – la bellezza frugale o febbrile, l’estro e i dirompenti sensi che legano lo spartito alla partitura delle nostre esistenze. Queste pagine vogliono essere una riflessione sulla ricerca del sapere e uno studio sulla genesi dell’arte nelle sue espressioni teatrali e musicali, in una terra, quella italiana, modellata dalla civiltà dell’uomo. Da un teatro palladiano al concerto delle dame, da un pirotecnico spettacolo rinascimentale alla melodia polifonica, dalla tragedia greca alla compagnia dei Bardi, dal 'recitar cantando' al Paese del melodramma, il suono e il ritmo si fonderanno con l’inchiostro per plasmare l’essenza della musica e scandirne le diverse virtù ('ethos') tra uomo e natura, 'mousiké' e 'oikos'. Suoni, visioni e conoscenza come momenti per avvicinarsi delicatamente al mistero della voce umana che prende sembianze diverse: ora lamento amoroso e inno, ora rappresentazione teatrale e finzione, ora maschera e segreto. 45 contributi, 42 autori (docenti universitari, studiosi, musicologi). Tavole fuori testo a colori. Prefazione di Marco Dorigatti, University of Oxford

    Impact of COVID-19 and vaccination campaign on 1,755 systemic sclerosis patients during first three years of pandemic. Possible risks for individuals with impaired immunoreactivity to vaccine, ongoing immunomodulating treatments, and disease-related lung involvement during the next pandemic phase

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    Introduction: The impact of COVID-19 pandemic represents a serious challenge for 'frail' patients' populations with inflammatory autoimmune systemic diseases such as systemic sclerosis (SSc). We investigated the prevalence and severity of COVID-19, as well the effects of COVID-19 vaccination campaign in a large series of SSc patients followed for the entire period (first 38 months) of pandemic. Patients and method: This prospective survey study included 1755 unselected SSc patients (186 M, 1,569F; mean age 58.7 ± 13.4SD years, mean disease duration 8.8 ± 7.3SD years) recruited in part by telephone survey at 37 referral centers from February 2020 to April 2023. The following parameters were carefully evaluated: i. demographic, clinical, serological, and therapeutical features; ii. prevalence and severity of COVID-19; and iii. safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines. Results: The prevalence of COVID-19 recorded during the whole pandemic was significantly higher compared to Italian general population (47.3 % vs 43.3 %, p < 0.000), as well the COVID-19-related mortality (1.91 % vs 0.72 %, p < 0.001). As regards the putative prognostic factors of worse outcome, COVID-19 positive patients with SSc-related interstitial lung involvement showed significantly higher percentage of COVID-19-related hospitalization compared to those without (5.85 % vs 1.73 %; p < 0.0001), as well as of mortality rate (2.01 % vs 0.4 %; p = 0.002). Over half of patients (56.3 %) received the first two plus one booster dose of vaccine; while a fourth dose was administered to 35.6 %, and only few of them (1.99 %) had five or more doses of vaccine. Of note, an impaired seroconversion was recorded in 25.6 % of individuals after the first 2 doses of vaccine, and in 8.4 % of patients also after the booster dose. Furthermore, the absence of T-cell immunoreactivity was observed in 3/7 patients tested by QuantiFERON® SARSCoV-2 Starter Set (Qiagen). The efficacy of vaccines, evaluated by comparing the COVID-19-related death rate recorded during pre- and post-vaccination pandemic periods, revealed a quite stable outcome in SSc patients (death rate from 2.54 % to 1.76 %; p = ns), despite the significant drop of mortality observed in the Italian general population (from 2.95 % to 0.29 %; p < 0.0001). Conclusions: An increased COVID-19 prevalence and mortality rate was recorded in SSc patients; moreover, the efficacy of vaccines in term of improved outcomes was less evident in SSc compared to Italian general population. This discrepancy might be explained by concomitant adverse prognostic factors: increased rate of non-responders to vaccine in SSc series, low percentage of individuals with four or more doses of vaccine, ongoing immunomodulating treatments, disease-related interstitial lung disease, and/or reduced preventive measures in the second half of pandemic. A careful monitoring of response to COVID-19 vaccines together with adequate preventive/therapeutical strategies are highly recommendable in the near course of pandemic in this frail patients' population